I forgot to post about my genetic test results. My blood relatives will be happy to hear that the test results indicate that my breast cancer isn't in the genetic category. Only 5-10% of cancers are genetic. The rest are either caused by something known, like smoking or sun exposure, OR they are in the unknown category. That's what I am. I'm the "we don't know what causes cancer" cancer.
But I was BRCA negative. If it had been positive that would have meant that my sisters would have needed to be tested. Hopefully that means I'm the only one to have the bad luck.
Still thinking and praying for you and your family. I hope your aches and pains get better but I guess the only way out of this "hell" is time. As you know, I'm feeling empathy for you. I think sometimes about your Mother. I know she is the angel at your side right now. Her love for you will bring you through this trial, and you will enjoy good health and a long, happy life. I see the portrait of your mom when I babysit Avery and we talk about her. I know you feel her loving spirit, and her loving arms surrounding you at this time. All I can say now is "hang in there"! Love, Janice